Wait ... you're moving to the Jungle?
In 2018 I was planning to move to Peru to do full time ministry among the Yanesha People. As many of you know, the Lord had other plans...

Flat to Filled & The Start of Radiation
It has been 2 months since surgery, I have been back at work full time now for 3 weeks and I had my first week of radiation this past...

The Rollercoaster of Infection
As I sit here I am stumbling over my thoughts attempting to remember the past couple of weeks. I am now almost 4 weeks into recovery and...

Unexpected News From Surgery
Well I am 12 days into recovery from my surgery that was on the 15th and to be honest it has been a really bumpy road. I don’t know what...

11 Days until Surgery
Meal Train Link These past couple of weeks have been stacked full! Mostly with making preparations for life to be on standby for a month...

A Decision Made
Well I don’t really know where to start, it has been a couple weeks since I last updated all of you. We have since met with my surgeon,...

How's Caleb???
Hey everyone, it’s Caleb! You’ve gotten to hear lots (and lots) of information from Morgan and the responses we’ve gotten from all of you...

A Season of Tears
Short version: Surgeon is definitely leaning towards mastectomy as a preventative measure more so than treatment. Had an MRI Monday MRI...

Breast Cancer at 27
I’m starting this blog to keep everyone in the loop, this first one will be pretty long, I'm sorry :/ it's a lot to catch you up on but...

This trip was incredible! I cannot explain to you how much I fell in love with this family and the people I worked alongside this past...